We understand that sometimes items don’t fit or aren’t suitable. That’s why we offer a simple exchange and return policy.
If you need to exchange an item, please purchase the replacement item in a new order and then return the unsuitable item for a refund. You can also send the unsuitable item back to us for an exchange. We will post out the replacement item to you once we receive your returned item.
To return an item for a refund, please send it back to us within 10 days of receiving the order (15 days after Christmas for Christmas gifts). Please include your order number and the reason for the return.
Important Information
- Engraved or custom-made items cannot be exchanged or refunded unless there is a manufacturer’s fault.
- It is your responsibility to ensure that returned items reach us in satisfactory condition.
- Please keep all bags, tags, and labels untorn and attached.
- To minimize processing time, please ensure that returned items are free from odor and pet hair, are folded neatly, and are sent in secure, protective wrapping.
- If you are returning goods from outside the EU, please clearly state on the outside of the package and on any customs documentation that the goods are “Returned Goods” to allow them to clear customs without generating additional charges.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us to return your items quickly and efficiently.
Additional Notes
- We recommend combining your replacement item with any other items you may wish to purchase in order to save on shipping costs.
- Please note that buyers are responsible for the cost of shipping returned items.
We hope this policy is helpful and easy to understand. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.